Lisa's Journal

I want to keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on in my life and how they can specifically pray for me. I was recently diagnosed with tonsil cancer and will soon be receiving treatment. I plan to go to U of M for treatment. Please pray for courage, strength and for me to hear God's voice.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Nearing the end

Today is Tuesday. Chemo went great. My nurse was an angel from God. She had a crowd of other nurse gather and congratulate me on last day of chemo and all gave a round of applause. Then, she had a getleman that does registration and sing, sing me the most beautiful song of hope. Oh my heavens........the tears. I was so overjoyed and so thankful God provided him. My nurse and I exchanged hugs, kisses and cards. She is a Christian and I know God planted her in my path. She is also a mother of two small children.

Two treatments left, piece of cake. Penny will go with me and we will be back Thursday afternoon. I am starting to take Vicodin around the clock. My tongue gets so sore to eat and drink, my nurse is afraid I will get dehydrated, so push push the fluids and do it without pain, I will drink more. Again the Dr.'s and all staff are so amazed. One guy in the waiting room asked me why I was doing so well................FAITH I answered. There is no possible, human way I could have done this alone.

I have been reading an awesome book........Praying through Cancer. I just recently read the most beautiful prayer and want to share it. It is exactly how I feel.................

Father God, I didn't sign up for this. Some days are pretty OK, but some are really tough. Yet I will consider this whole cancer deal worth it, if in the end I look more like Jesus and sound more like Him. I want it to be obvious that I've spent time with Him. It's worth it, if somehow I can honor You by going through this experience, whatever the outcome. So I'm asking You to make it worth it. Make me more like Jesus. Make it undeniably evident that You are at work in my life. Honor Yourself.
Help me to see this illness from Your perspective. There's a lot I don't understand, so I'm trusting You. I can't see down the road, so I 'm grateful You know the beginning from the end and everything in between. Even on days when I think I'm holding on to You, I realize it's Your grip on me that's keeping me together. Thanks for Your unmistakeable grace.
Thanks to You, Lord God, who always leads me in triumphant procession in Christ and through me spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him!
God Bless you all, thanks for hanging in there with me, please keep up the prayers for continued health. Pray specifically that ALL the cancer is gone and I will never have to battle it again.
Love you,


  • At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awesome Lisa!!!

    So glad this is your last week and last two days coming up! I believe it is God going through this with you and also think that He gives us trials that we can't handle without Him. If you look at the world around us, alot of people go through smaller trials and without God go to other "way outs" to deal with life. You are so right, Faith is the only positive way, combined with prayer, to get through anything. I have been thinking of you, just two more days!



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