Lisa's Journal

I want to keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on in my life and how they can specifically pray for me. I was recently diagnosed with tonsil cancer and will soon be receiving treatment. I plan to go to U of M for treatment. Please pray for courage, strength and for me to hear God's voice.

Monday, September 11, 2006

First appointments after treatment 9-11-06


On Friday 9-8-06 I saw my ENT in Grand Rapids. He was very impressed with my neck and throat. He did not feel any nodes in my neck and thought my throat looked excellent for just having radiation. We talked at length about follow up and what's to come. He advised me to have a PET/CT done of my neck three months after treatment was complete. I questioned having a PET/CT of my chest. He said it was unnecessary because it is rare for it to go there. To be honest, I was a bit unsettled with that answer. I really would like a scan of my chest , just to rest assured that nothing has spread there. He said he would be willing to write that order as well.

On Monday 9-11-06 I saw the Radiation Oncologist at U of M. He was also very pleased with my healing process. Things look great, he said. It was a short visit for such a long drive. But what can we expect, the Great Phyician has been taking such good care of me!

So, I will be followed up every six weeks, alternating between my local ENT and the Radiation Oncologist at U of M. I will have a PET/CT of my neck and chest end of October/early November. U of M would also like to review the findings on the scan.

I am so grateful we have a God who protects our hearts and minds in the "waiting period". Dr.'s say that most reoccurance happens within the first two years, so I will be closely watched. Reaching the three year mark with the type of cancer is like reaching the five year marker with most cancers. God will continue to carry me through. I will continue to trust His plan is best and His plan is perfect for my life. The devil cannot have his hands on my mind or my heart, for I am a child of God.

Thank you for continuing to pray for Barb, she is doing well and is now at home recovering . She will hopefully be returning to work soon.
Barb has been blessed with one adopted son, one sister and one daughter-in-law, so they have been busy caring for her. But, again, God is faithful and taking care of Barb like He is taking care of me.

There is so much to look forward to in the next coming months. Lexy starts pre-school Sept 25, Lauren will celebrate her first birthday October 30, Halloween for the kids, Thanksgiving and Christmas. So many good things for me to focus on............God does have perfect timing!



  • At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I just wish I could reach out and hug you now. I am so excited to hear the awesome news. God is so amazing how he renews our hearts, mind and our body!!

    What a friend we have in him where we can have a faith that will with-hold any storm. Faith is building on what you know is here, so you can reach what you know is there. Keep your faith and positive attitude girl, and you will overcome ever obstacles that is set before you!

    Lots of love to you, Lisa

  • At 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am so thankful, Lisa!!! I thank God for His goodness and all of your blessings. We are all blessed with your wonderful news! Thanks for keeping us informed here,


  • At 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Go Lisa! God has worked miracles for you and will continue to. We are so pleased to hear things are going well. The girls are beautiful!!!!!!! Lauren has grown so much and Lexy is such a big girl. With such a wonderful mother and father as role models they will always succeed. Keep the faith and focus on those girls. Love you, Julie and Scott

  • At 5:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lisa,

    I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. I pray for you to continue to be strong and faithful. God Bless you and your family and everyone who is reading this.

    Thanks for your prayers as well. Barb had a follow up on Monday. She has rocovered very well mentally (better than expected). She still has some diziness so she is unable to drive and work. She has a little depression (I think because she is stuck in her apartment for at least another month). I am trying to get her out as much as possible. Maybe we can come over to your place for a visit.

    Take care. I hope to see you soon.

    Love, Sheryl


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