Lisa's Journal

I want to keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on in my life and how they can specifically pray for me. I was recently diagnosed with tonsil cancer and will soon be receiving treatment. I plan to go to U of M for treatment. Please pray for courage, strength and for me to hear God's voice.

Friday, April 06, 2007


Yesterday, 4-5-07, I had another appointment with the ENT. He reported good news, he did not see or feel anything abnormal. Praise God. I have been having some pain at the tumor side and behind my ears (on both sides), he said he was not concerned since the pain was intermittent, however if it becomes constant, we will do more work up. I was curious to find out when my next scan would be and he said we will do one in July. It will be a scan of my neck and chest. His recommendation was only of my neck, but I asked for a chest CT as well. He has never been too quick to order the chest since he feels it is unlikely that the cancer will go there, however when I was at U of M, they said that is the first place it will go. So, I would feel more comfortable knowing nothing is there. I know it is more radiation, but what do I do..........wonder if there is a little spot??? Lung cancer isn't something you feel, so I see it only necessary to do the scan. I will be rechecked again in July as well as have the CT scans. Dr. Postema is checking with the head PET scan Dr. as to the protocol for a repeat PET scan. He will get back with me on that next week.

I do feel like I got a bit of "bad news"....U of M said, if I can go two years without a reoccurrance, I would pretty much be out of the woods. Dr. Postema said, no not really , this cancer is still 5 years until we consider you cancer free. Yes, two years is a great milestone to get to, but he won't declare me cancer free until 5 years.

I am doing great . I have started a new vitamin and feel pretty good on them. I am really going to force myself to excercise so I can get some muscle tone and energy back. I have no problems swallowing or really no complaints at all. I have been watching my weight. I was a bit concerned I was loosing, but after reviewing previous records, I have only lost 10 pounds, since I was first diagnosed. A lot of people make comments on how skinny I look. That always concerns me..........what do they see that I don't. I am actually the weight I was pre pre kids!!

I daily thank God for another day He has given me. I am trying to stop the bad "what ifs" because....... what if................I have only a healthy life ahead. God has been so gracious in the peace He has provided. I am growing stronger everyday.

The girls are doing fantastic. Lauren is such a pure gift........she is so loving and adorable. What a joy she is to have at this time in my life. Alexa is so affectionate as well. If she ever sees me crying, she gives me a big hug and says ,"Mama, dry those tears!" They are blessings no doubt. We recently had her to the eye Dr. and found out she has trouble with her right eye. She is so over corrected that she can't focus near or far. I had no idea she was having any problems at all, because her left eye has completely compensated. She will have to wear glasses and have to use a patch on the left eye to make the right one work. It is a blessing we found this now, because if not caught, the eye will eventually loose sight. She will always have a vision problem, but we are hoping to improve it. Not the news I really want to hear about my 4 year old little girls, but thank God there is no medical problem causing the vision problem.

Please continue to pray that God is working miracles in my life. So far........He is. I will update probably monthly. Thanks for all your support.



  • At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey there!

    I check this periodically to see what is new with you - and there you were!! I have been wondering and now I have some answers.

    Thanks for continuing to update us even if it is every 3 months. It is good to know the new "news" and it is also important for us to know what to pray about! I am happy to hear about the continued good news about the "no signs". That is fantastic. God sure is blessing you in abundance. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers - keep up the postive attitude and strong determination!!!
    Luv ya, Lisa


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