Lisa's Journal

I want to keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on in my life and how they can specifically pray for me. I was recently diagnosed with tonsil cancer and will soon be receiving treatment. I plan to go to U of M for treatment. Please pray for courage, strength and for me to hear God's voice.

Monday, November 13, 2006


This past Sunday I gave my testimony in two services at church. Ray, Alexa and Lauren were baptized. We also joined the church. Then a few family members and friends came back and celebrated Lauren's birthday. It was a fantastic day. It was sunny and just glorious! I truly was not nervous to speak in front of hundreds of people, I was nervous I would break down and cry and not be able to stop. It went fantastic and I only broke down a few times, but was able to control myself. I plan to put my testimony on the blog as soon as I can get some extra time.

I went to the U of M on Friday, Nov 10, 2006. Again the Dr. are very impressed. One Dr. could not believe I am back to work, he usually sees people out for a year! They say my throat looks great. I have had some hoarsness. They feel my throat is very sensitive yet and I could have some acid reflux- gave me a RX. Surgery is still a last resort-only if there is reoccurance. Reoccurance will most likely occur within two years. After two years, it is very unlikely for it to return. I will have a CT scan in three months. If anything looks suspicious, a PET scan will follow. I will still be checked every six weeks for a physical exam by the ENT.

I am just rejoicing daily. There are many times I break out in tears to the Lord thanking Him. He has right now given me a clean bill of health. Praise be to Him! Most of my drives home from work, I am in very thankful. I pray this is behind me. I never ever want to forget how good God has been. I never ever want to forget how powerful He is. I am so exited to see how God is going to work in the rest of my life. I will trust- and be still in this comforting peace my soul is cradled in.

I will continue to update. Look for my testimony coming soon and some recent pictures of the girls.

God bless,


  • At 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I wish I would have known you were giving your testimony and the family got baptized - I would have loved to of been there, so please - when you have time - do put your testimony on here! I would love to hear, well read, it!!

    What a "thanksgiving" it will be for you. God it a mighty fortess and he has protected you from pain and will continue to do so. I am so proud of your optimism, your strength and courage! You are a fighter and a not-giver-upper!!!

    Lots of love to you and cant wait to see you on the 9th for our Christmas family gathering!

    You are and continually will be in my thoughts and prayers!!!! I think of you so often and praise God for a miraculous miracle he has performed in you!!

    Luv, Lisa

  • At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lisa, We are so happy for you and your family. God has answered all of our prayers. I sent a "thank you" and an update about you on our prayer chain and shared the good news with all of those that I asked to pray for you. You are a living result of the power of prayer. We love you, Ray and the girls and will continue to pray for your good health. The girls are now thanking God in their prayers for "making Lexi's Mom feel better. Hope we can have a family gathering sometime soon.
    Love, The Venick's


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