Lisa's Journal

I want to keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on in my life and how they can specifically pray for me. I was recently diagnosed with tonsil cancer and will soon be receiving treatment. I plan to go to U of M for treatment. Please pray for courage, strength and for me to hear God's voice.

Friday, June 01, 2007


It has been a while since I have written, because thankfully I have had a clean bill of health until last week. Last Tuesday, I underwent a PET/CT scan. Dr. Postma is just being extra careful. I completely expected to get the all clear. But that was not the case. Postma called and said an area on the back of my tongue lit up. However, they did not see a mass anywhere on the CAT scan. He said we will need to do a biopsy. So, I waited another week until I had the biopsy. I had to have general anesthesia because of the area it was located. Mom, Dad and Ray went. Penny was out of state. Thankfully, a wonderful friend at church watched the girls.

So, the wait begins again for results. I was under for almost an hour and Dr. was pleased with how things looked and felt. He took samples of the back of my tongue and the tonsil fossa area. He did a frozen section during the biopsy and he was able to share with my family that there were no sign of cancer in that biopsy. The official report will be out by the end of the week. Today, I received a call from the nurse and she verified there were no signs of malignancy. The report said, mild chronic inflammation. PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Postma wants me to have an MRI in 10days, to rule anything else out. I will wait again. "BE STILL AND KNOW I AM GOD"



  • At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! So happy and blessed to hear such amazing and wonderful news! GOD IS FAITHFUL TO THOSE WHO HAVE FAITH IN HIM!!

    Luv Ya, Lisa


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