Lisa's Journal

I want to keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on in my life and how they can specifically pray for me. I was recently diagnosed with tonsil cancer and will soon be receiving treatment. I plan to go to U of M for treatment. Please pray for courage, strength and for me to hear God's voice.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

This morning I received a phone call from my radiation oncologist. He said I would need both sides radiated. I have moderate amount of disease. I was disappointed with this news, but we heard it before in Grand Rapids. Hopefully with this IMRT, it will help protect as much tissue as possible and help save my salivary glands. I also found out I need my wisdom teeth out to avoid complications later. As of now, I am going back to U of M this Thursday for CT Simulation planning and see the Radiation Oncologist again and maybe an oncologist. As of right now treatment will begin June 15, 2oo6. We are trying to iron all things out with the insurance company.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

We got back from U of M Friday night. We first met with a surgeon, he was incredible! He was friendly, compassionate and very informative. My hope for that day was also to see the Radiation Oncologist......and I did. We had hopes that he was only going to radiate the right side, but he wanted to look at my PET scan CD's and he was having trouble downloading at that particular office. He will review them and deterimine if he wants to radiate the left side as well . I will go back to U of M next Thursday and see the Radiation Oncologist again and an Oncologist. I will also have CT Simulation to prepare for radiation. They will be using the latest technology called IMRT which is Intenisty Modulated Radiation Therapy. It is a more precise radiation which will help protect my salivary glands as well as minimizing the radiation to healthy tissues. It is a very detail computer software. It will take up to 10 days before I can start treatment. I was concerned about this, but the Radiation Oncologist said it was worth the wait for the benefits of long term sie effects. I met with a dentist at U of M as well for special mouth guards during radiation. He advised me to get my two bottom wisdom teeth out, to avoid problems in the future. I was really more hurdle.I am doing well. I know this is all out of my control. I can only control my attitude and my connection with God. I talk to God constantly and ask for strength. My hardest moments are when I am alone with the girls. I can't help but to feel robbed of this special time of motherhood, but I will battle this next three months for them. My hope , my prayer is that God will heal me in this three months and I can continue my life like it once was before.Please continue to pray for the Dr's wisdom to design my protocol for radiation and for my strength. Thanks for all your support and prayers. I cannot describe how wonderful it is to know there are so many people lifting me up in prayer. God hears you and will continue to listen....please keep talking.Love,Lisa
6:51 AM