Lisa's Journal

I want to keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on in my life and how they can specifically pray for me. I was recently diagnosed with tonsil cancer and will soon be receiving treatment. I plan to go to U of M for treatment. Please pray for courage, strength and for me to hear God's voice.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Today was one of the hardest days of my life. It was going to change, regardless of my news. I awaited the results of my PET/CT scan today. I was extremely emotional on the ride to the doctor. Dad and Ray went with me. Brenda the nurse put me in the room and my heart was beating a million miles an hour and the tears would not stop coming. The doctor walked in and said, " I've got good news." I bursted into tears and hug dad and Ray so tight. Looking up, I just said thank you God, thank you God, thank you God. I just needed to hear the doctor confirm that everything was okay.

Though I am not out of the woods, I have begun a new chapter in my life. Right now, there is no active disease. The scan was completely clear. Praise our God!! I will continue to trust Him for good health.

I can celebrate Lauren's birthday tonight with thanksgiving and praise to God. Once again, He is faithful in letting me be a mother.


Friday, October 27, 2006


Yesterday, 10-26-06 I had my PET/CT done. I was so glad to see the same tech that did my procedure last time. She was so sweet and compassionate, as well as the others that helped me. My dad and Ray came with me. I was there for about 4 hours. I was injected with glucose and had to go into a "no talking phase " or about an hour. So Ray and Dad got to catch up on alot! I was then taken back into the scanner where I was injected with contrast, to help vessels show up. That took about 25 minutes. I was very comfortable throughout the exam. I was at peace and had a light heart. I just continued to pray for God's peace during the exam, and He gave it to peaceful infact, I felt like I could go to sleep.

So, now...............the WAIT! I will/ should get results on Monday. I have a Dr. appointment with my ENT at 11:30. I was told to call before I came in to make sure results are in. It usually takes three business days. I will keep myself busy the next few days. Ray will be gone all day at a football game Saturday and has to work Sunday. The girls and I will hang out together.

The test is over and what is God has the plans..........I cannot change any result of these test. I am trusting that His plan is better than I could ever design. I continuously remind myself this is out of my control. It is going to be a hard few days while I wait, because I don't have a magic ball to see what the results are, but I MUST say focused and positive.

Please pray for continued peace.


Thursday, October 19, 2006



Hope everyone is enjoying this fall. The colors are beautiful and I am so loving it. I think Fall has become my favorite season. The girls are great. Alexa is doing wonderful at preschool. She just loves it and I can already see her blooming! Lauren.....she is just plain good. She is so happy and content. She is however starting to show a bit of personality!

I am awaiting my Pet/CT scan next Thursday. I am feeling peaceful and quiet in my spirit. I am holding firm to Psalm 117: 1, 7.........."Blessed is the man who fears the Lord....He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord." I am just confident God has already done His healing. I am ready to move on to the next phase of life.......never forgetting what is left behind.

Please pray specifically for continued peace and stillness in me as I await my scan.


Friday, October 06, 2006


Hi .....................

Well, things have gotton a lot better for me since my last posting. I am feeling much better physically. My stomach bug is gone, just have some sinus stuff going on, but doing much better.

I hated to sound so discouraging the last posting, but I am being honest. I had a bad few days, but I am doing so much better. I had a lot of "whys", but I am discovering and focusing on the fact that God does not have to answer and may not answer all the whys. We must trust always that the creator of this world knows the best plan. I really was struggling with accepting God's plan for me, because I wanted to help design it. I am trying really hard to surrender and completely give it all to God. I want to hold on to just a bit of those plans................that's what is holding me back from complete trust. I am trying hard to focus on the fact that God is designer and I need to obey, listen and trust. God tells me not to fear.........I need to listen. When He tells me He is with me always.........I will remember.

I am so enjoying the beautiful fall colors.........what a reminder of God's beauty. Lexy and I are taking lots of walks and enjoying the weather. Lauren is taking a few steps. I can hardly believe she will celebrate her first birthday the end of this month!!

Until next week.........have a great week. Please pray specifically for peace and trust as I await my PET/CT scan on 10-26-06. God bless you all.
