Lisa's Journal

I want to keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on in my life and how they can specifically pray for me. I was recently diagnosed with tonsil cancer and will soon be receiving treatment. I plan to go to U of M for treatment. Please pray for courage, strength and for me to hear God's voice.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Hi everyone,

This has been a tough week for me. I have not felt the greatest. Nauseated and feeling blah. I will have to admit when my physical body is ill, my spirit suffers too. I have been just a bit down. It all started about a week ago when I read in the Grand Rapids Press about the mother that was burnt and lost her 16 month old son. It really hurt my heart and spirit. But I have been repeating over and over...........God has the greater plan, it is not for me to understand. I guess this story of tragedy made me look again at my situation, and I became fearful again of my future. It's been a rough week, but God and I are working things out. I bought a ring from the Family Christian Store that says "FEAR NOT". I wear that on my right and wedding ring on the left. I look at it when I am driving, typing, or writing. What a constant reminder to me.

I just received a phone call from the ENT that my PET/CT scan will be Oct 26th at 8:30 a.m. This will show if all the cancer is gone or if anything has spread. I will see the Dr. for results on Oct. 30. (Lauren's first birthday!).

My specific prayers please........... pray for peace as I await this scan and for all fear of bad news to flee from my thoughts.


Sunday, September 17, 2006


Hi everyone...........

Just to recap on my last week...I went back to work on Wednesday. Okay, I have to admit, it loved to be home with the girls. I could so be a stay at home mom, not because I am lazy and don't want to work, but there is so much to enjoy with them. Lexy and I play preschool and Lauren and I are working on her words and singing!! But really, it was nice to be back to my "normal" routine. What's normal?? I know I will never have my "old" life back again, but going back to work gave me part of it.

Thursday Ray and I went to the Allegan County Fair Grounds and saw Casting Crowns in concert. Wow! It was so great to see them live! Again, if you have not heard "Praise you in this storm" just must. When that song was sung, it was impossible to stop the tears. Yes, he was singing it to me :) As far as I could tell, it touched a lot of other people too. It was so great to be there that night. Music has been such a huge part of my healing. Lexy knows so many Christian songs. She will be in her room singing. I aways have my radio on in the house or in the car so healing words are always on my mind.

I had a few bad hours today. I got on the internet, a website actually recommended by a doctor. Yeah, not a good idea. I read too many things that were scary and fearful. I declare this is the day I ban myself from the internet in regards to head and neck cancer. After reading it , I just felt the life being sucked right out of me. My mind became a complete fog of worry and fear. So, I had to get out of this terrible "funk", so Lexy and I went for a walk. I just asked God to step into my mind and remove what I had read. It was windy and I just breathed in the fresh air........God. He filled my lungs and mind. I am happy to report I am over my funk. God is so faithful.

I have been so excited to learn more and more about God. Pastor Tim did a great message today about what faith looks like. He says we have to put our faith into action. I am so excited to do that. I am so thirsty for more knowledge of God. You should see my room, it's a mini library. I was becoming overwhelmed, so thought I should just take one at a time.

Hope all is well for you. I am not sure if any of you caught this on the news, but it has torn at my heart all day. There was an accident locally where a woman was severly burned and her 16 month old son killed. Apparently the father was just new to the church as a youth pastor 25 years old. He was helping re-roof the church and saw the whole thing. Mother was hit from behind and her car caught on fire. The father actually pulled her out of the car. Baby died instantly. Mother is at Spectrum with 40% of the body covered with burns. What a terrible tragedy. Lexy and I have been praying so hard. I am just sick to my stomach. is not for us to understand. God is still good and is in control. He has a perfect plan, one that we may not be aware of while we are here. Pray for this family.

God Bless you all,

Monday, September 11, 2006

First appointments after treatment 9-11-06


On Friday 9-8-06 I saw my ENT in Grand Rapids. He was very impressed with my neck and throat. He did not feel any nodes in my neck and thought my throat looked excellent for just having radiation. We talked at length about follow up and what's to come. He advised me to have a PET/CT done of my neck three months after treatment was complete. I questioned having a PET/CT of my chest. He said it was unnecessary because it is rare for it to go there. To be honest, I was a bit unsettled with that answer. I really would like a scan of my chest , just to rest assured that nothing has spread there. He said he would be willing to write that order as well.

On Monday 9-11-06 I saw the Radiation Oncologist at U of M. He was also very pleased with my healing process. Things look great, he said. It was a short visit for such a long drive. But what can we expect, the Great Phyician has been taking such good care of me!

So, I will be followed up every six weeks, alternating between my local ENT and the Radiation Oncologist at U of M. I will have a PET/CT of my neck and chest end of October/early November. U of M would also like to review the findings on the scan.

I am so grateful we have a God who protects our hearts and minds in the "waiting period". Dr.'s say that most reoccurance happens within the first two years, so I will be closely watched. Reaching the three year mark with the type of cancer is like reaching the five year marker with most cancers. God will continue to carry me through. I will continue to trust His plan is best and His plan is perfect for my life. The devil cannot have his hands on my mind or my heart, for I am a child of God.

Thank you for continuing to pray for Barb, she is doing well and is now at home recovering . She will hopefully be returning to work soon.
Barb has been blessed with one adopted son, one sister and one daughter-in-law, so they have been busy caring for her. But, again, God is faithful and taking care of Barb like He is taking care of me.

There is so much to look forward to in the next coming months. Lexy starts pre-school Sept 25, Lauren will celebrate her first birthday October 30, Halloween for the kids, Thanksgiving and Christmas. So many good things for me to focus on............God does have perfect timing!


Friday, September 01, 2006


Hi Friends,

As you have noticed, I do not write daily, you can thank my little critters for that. They keep me so busy, really the only free time I have is when they are in bed and I like to take that time to read. So, I hope to get down on the computer at least once a week ,now that things have settled down with treatments.

I am still feeling well. I rest when I can and take Motrin very sparingly. I still have some thrush in my mouth, but it is clearing up . I look forward to my Dr. visits on 9-11-06 and see what is to come.

I had a few days of emotional set back . Why? I became suddenly afraid and it took me a couple days to figure out why. For the past 2 months I have had GOD, doctors, nurses, radiation and chemotherapy attending to me. Suddenly , all but one (GOD)..... stopped. I got scared, is God it? Did I really miss the chemo and radiation that much?

My past couple days have been filled with much peace as I push away those fears and completely let God take the wheel. It is His road, His car, His map and He is the driver.............I am just a passenger trusting in His skill, knowledge and excellent judgement. What does that map look like for Lisa Davis' life, boy oh boy if we could just all have a glimpse at that, would we peek?, or would we just live in total trust.

God does not always explain Himself. He loves to be trusted. I cannot possibly have all the answers to why or what ifs......but I can stand firm that God says :
"For I know, the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

I daily thank God for guarding my mind and heart with peace as I wake each morning, thanking God for yet another day.

Please continue to pray for complete healing as God transforms my life.
